Stand for Something and Ease Tension in Negotiations

Stand for Something — Ease Tension and Create Leverage!

Knowing what you stand for is the difference between learning techniques to close a point and handling intricate negotiations that build relationships.
Aggressiveness vs Assertiveness in Negotiations

Aggressiveness Does NOT Equal Assertiveness (… and Why We Do What We Do)

In complex deal negotiations, it's important to remember that aggression does not equal assertiveness and rarely yields the desired outcome.
Conflict Leads to Innovation

Conflict Leads to Deal Innovation

Deal innovation happens at points of contention. The deeper the conflict, the more innovative the solution.

Don’t Let the Bear Eat Your Deal!

The threat of disagreement... though most likely not as life threatening as being chased by a bear, your natural physical reaction may be the same.

Do You REALLY Want to Fail Fast?

If you’re in IT and talking about having a #failfast culture, you may not be doing your relationship with the business any favors.
What if you're not in charge during a crisis?

What if you’re NOT the person in charge during a crisis?

In a crisis, apply these four principles: Don't Judge; Step Back; Assess; and Advise.